Clinical Studies

Providers, Advocates, and Technology for Health and Safety (PATHS)

A study implementing evidence-based practices and policies to strengthen clinic response to health needs of survivors of sexual or intimate partner violence and promote prevention. 

Community Health - Asthma Quality Improvement Project

Project aimed at decreasing the number of pediatric patients needing to go to the Emergency Department for asthma-related reasons by connecting them to community-based care and resources.

College Health Center-based Alcohol and Sexual Violence Intervention

A stakeholder-engaged longitudinal study that tested, via a two-armed cluster randomized controlled trial, a brief harm reduction intervention to reduce risk for alcohol-related sexual violence.

Disability Study

A qualitative study with college students with disability and with stakeholders supporting college students will explore this nexus of alcohol misuse and intimate partner violence or sexual violence exposure.

Project Catalyst

A state or territory-wide transformation on health and IPV aimed at examining the influence of statewide programs and policies on victim service agencies’ and healthcare providers’ abilities to make warm referrals.

Healthy Adolescents Promoted by Partners for Youth (HAPPY)

Examining the effectiveness of the CUES (Confidentiality, Universal Education, Empowerment, and Suport) intervention in facilitating warm referrals for adolescent relationship abuse or reproductive and sexual coercion between school nurses, family planning providers, and domestic violence agencies.

Black Women in Academia (BWA) – Supporting, Healing, and Empowering

A Pitt SEED Project-funded study designed to better understand the challenges faced by Black undergraduate women who experience sexual misconduct victimization.


SOVA is a website intervention designed to promote engaging with mental health services.