Youth Risk Behavior Surveillance Survey

The Youth Risk Behavior Surveillance Survey (YRBS) was designed by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention in 1990.  It is used to assess youth risk behaviors nationally among high school students in grades 9-12.  The information from this survey is used to help guide allocation of resources and programs.

Locally, the Miller Lab has implemented YRBS in partnership with the Pittsburgh Public Schools (PPS) and Allegheny County Health Department (ACHD).  It was first conducted in October 2018 with ninth through twelfth graders from 13 high schools in PPS, and the goal is to conduct YRBS every other year. Other local school districts are considering implementing YRBS as well.   The information collected from YRBS helps PPS and community partners identify student needs and enhance support for students, inform strategic planning, allocate resources, show need for additional funding support, and guide development and implementation of specific interventions.

Review the ACHD Report (2018) »