Endocrinology Clinics

Cystic Fibrosis Endocrine Clinic

We provide comprehensive endocrine care addressing diabetes, growth, puberty and bone health to children and adolescents with cystic fibrosis.

Disorders of Sex Development (DSD) Clinic 

The DSD clinic team members include faculty members representing pediatric endocrinology, pediatric urology, genetics, adolescent gynecology, reproductive endocrinology & infertility (REI), pathology, and behavioral health.

Pittsburgh Endocrine Gender Clinic

Pittsburgh Endocrine Gender Clinic is an integrated and highly coordinated collaboration between Pediatric Endocrinology and Adolescent Medicine.

Endocrine Late Effects After Cancer Therapy (ELECT) Clinic

We offer comprehensive clinical care and research in the management of endocrine late effects in childhood cancer survivors. In addition to pediatric endocrinology, the multi-disciplinary team includes hematology/oncology, neuro-oncology, bone-marrow transplant, cancer survivorship and fertility preservation team. 

Multidisciplinary Pediatric Thyroid Center

Operated by the division, we coordinate the care of children with thyroid nodules and thyroid cancers along with ENT, pediatric surgery, radiology, pathology, cytopathology, genetics, oncology, and nuclear medicine. Multidisciplinary thyroid conference is organized annually where fellows present interesting and complicated cases for discussion. Our center is part of national collaborations to study Pediatric thyroid cancers.

Metabolic Bone Disorders Clinic

We provide specialized care for patients with genetic and metabolic bone disorders. 

Lipid Disorders Clinic

Operated within the Division of Pediatric Endicrinology, this multidisciplinary clinic diagnoses and treats genetic hyperlipidemias and other abnormalities of lipid metabolism.

Prader-Willi Clinic

A special multidisclipinary clinic at Children's Hospital to provide nutritional support and endocrine treatment for children with Prader-Willi syndrome.

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