Patient-oriented Research

The Division is actively involved in clinical and translational research, including 80 IRB-approved studies, 12 pharmaceutical studies, and 17 other clinical research programs.  

Children’s gastroenterologists also lead many national multicenter clinical studies. Liver disease is under assault from Children’s pediatric hepatologists working to advance potential therapies that range from increasing our understanding of biliary atresia and acute liver failure, liver diseases often treated with liver transplantation, to transplanting hepatocytes as a possible cure for many childhood liver diseases. Clinical studies in pediatric inflammatory bowel disease are also a focus of Children’s gastroenterology researchers. These studies include participation in local and national registries to gather data about outcome and treatment of children with inflammatory bowel disease and an innovative and novel study to define the role of behavioral therapy.

In conjunction with UPMC Children’s Hospital of Pittsburgh, studies are conducted outside the laboratory covering a wide range of topics. For information about our current studies, please visit our clinical research page.