Recent Publications

Chaki M*, Airik R*, Ghosh AK, Giles RH, Chen R, Slaats GG, Wang H, Hurd TW, Zhou W, Cluckey A, Gee HY, Ramaswami G, Hong CJ, Hamilton BA, Červenka I, Ganji RS, Bryja V, Arts HH,  van Reeuwijk J, Oud MM, Letteboer SJF, Roepman R, Husson H, Ibraghimov-Beskrovnaya O, Ysunaga T, Walz G, Eley L, Sayer JA, Schermer B, Liebau MC, Benzing T, Le Corre S, Drummond I, Joles JA, Janssen S, Allen SJ, Natarajan S, O’Toole JF, Attanasio M, Saunier S, Antignac C, Koenekoop RK, Ren H, Lopez I, Nayir A, Stoetzel C, Dollfus H, Massoudi R, Gleeson JG, Andreoli SP, Doherty DG, Lindstrad A, Golzio C, Katsanis N, Pape L, Abboud EB, Al-Rajhi AA, Lewis RA, Lupski JR, Omran H, Lee E, Wang S, Sekiguchi JM, Saunders R, Johnson CA, Garner E, Vanselow K, Andersen JS, Shlomai J, Nurnberg G, Nurnberg P, Levy S, Smogorzewska A, Otto EA and Friedhelm Hildebrandt. Exome capture reveals ZNF423 and CEP164 mutations, linking renal ciliopathies to DNA damage response signaling. Cell 150:533-548, 2012 *Co-first authors. 

Airik R, Slaats G, Guo Z, Weiss AC, Khan N, Ghosh A, Hurd T, Bekker-Jensen S, Schrøder J, Elledge S, Andersen J, Kispert A, Castelli M, Boletta A, Giles R, Hildebrandt F. Renal-retinal ciliopathy gene Sdccag8 regulates DNA damage response signaling. JASN 25:2573-2583, 2014. 

Insolera R, Shao W, Airik R, Hildebrandt F, Shi SH. SDCCAG8 regulates the pericentriolar material recruitment and neuronal migration in the developing cortex. Neuron 83:805-822, 2014. 

Airik R*, Schueler M, Airik M, Cho J, Porath JD, Mukherjee E, Sims-Lucas S, Hildebrandt F*. A FANCD2/FANCI-Associated Nuclease 1-Knockout Model Develops Karyomegalic Interstitial Nephritis. JASN 2016, 2016 Mar 29. ASN.2015101108. *Co-corresponding authors. 

Airik R*, Schueler M, Airik M, Cho J, Ulanowicz KA, Porath JD, Hurd TW, Bekker-Jensen S, Schrøder JM, Andersen JS, Hildebrandt F*. SDCCAG8 Interacts with RAB Effector Proteins RABEP2 and ERC1 and Is Required for Hedgehog Signaling. PLoS One 2016 11(5):e0156081. *Co-corresponding authors. 

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