Recruiting at Center for Adolescent and Young Adult Health (CAYAH)

Our division would love to help you recruit young people for your research studies! We have a seamless process of recruiting youth from clinical and community spaces. To keep up with young people, we have gone paperless!  


Inquiry Form

Provide us with information about your study and the services you request. We meet every Monday to review submissions. 

CAYAH Self-Survey

We will send you instructions on how to modify your IRB. Once you receive approval, please email us your letter. We will add your study inclusion/exclusion to our Self Survey. We will email you directly with interested participants' information. 

Listing on Social Media and Website

Please view our Instagram. Please note: that the ideal format for social media images is 1080 px x 1080 px. 

Follow up and Questions

Every study we will follow up via email to address any concerns and to confirm the study is still actively recruiting. If you have any questions, email CAYAH.